Home » Manipur High Court grant interim relief to ML Chief

Manipur High Court grant interim relief to ML Chief

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Manipur High Court grant interim relief to ML Chief

Manipur High Court has granted interim relief for Meetei Leepun Chief Mayengbam Pramotchand Singh by issuing a temporary order against a non-bailable arrest warrant issued by CJM Churachandpur.
Churachandpur CJM had issued a non-bailable arrest warrant to Promot and ordered the SP Churachandpur to arrest him on or before November 9.
The order comes following a writ petition filed in response to a non-bailable arrest warrant issued by the CJM Churachandpur, instructing SP Churachandpur to apprehend the petitioner.
The Manipur High Court directed for issuance of notices to the respondents, returnable within four weeks.
The court took cognizance of the precarious circumstances prevailing in the state and the perceived risk to the petitioner’s life in the event of his appearance before the Chief Judicial Magistrate in Churachandpur.
Recognising the potentially perilous situation, the court issued a temporary order safeguarding Mayengbam Pramotchand Singh from arrest until the next hearing, scheduled for December 6.

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