Home » Locate two students’ bodies by November 5 or face protests: Lukmai Sellup warns Manipur Govt

Locate two students’ bodies by November 5 or face protests: Lukmai Sellup warns Manipur Govt

by Sh Ajit
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Asem Nirmala, the General Secretary of Khwairamband Ima Keithel Lukmai Sellup, has challenged the Manipur Government over its inability to locate the remains of two students, Hemanjit and Linthoingambi. Nirmala emphasized that if the bodies aren’t recovered by November 5th, protests would escalate, and the women of Manipur would take decisive actions to aid in the search.
Speaking to the media at Ima Keithel No. 1 in Khwairamband Bazar, Nirmala expressed her disappointment with the government, which has been unsuccessful in restoring peace and normalcy even as six months are about to elapse.
Nirmala also raised questions about the efficiency and methods of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). While the intelligence agency has managed to arrest the perpetrators behind the tragic deaths of the two Metei students, she questioned the agency’s operational paradox. “If the prevailing circumstances restrict authorities from accessing the area and retrieving the students’ bodies, how has the CBI been able to conduct its investigations and make arrests?” she asked.
She also voiced her suspicions regarding the CBI’s intentions, wondering if the agency is playing games with the sentiments of the Manipur populace by delaying the recovery of the two students’ bodies. “Our faith in the CBI is shaken. Why isn’t the State Government exerting pressure on the CBI to expedite the recovery?” she questioned.
“Locating the remains of these students would not only provide closure but also unveil the extent and nature of the crime committed against these innocent souls. Based on the gravity of the crime, it’s essential that the culprits receive appropriate and just punishments,” Nirmala asserted.
She also raised concerns about potential biases in the government’s actions, asking, “Is the Manipur Government, under Kuldiep Singh, specifically targeting Meitei women for assault and sparing women from other communities? We demand clarity on this matter.”
During a discussion that followed the press meet, Khongbantabam Lairentombi, the Vice President of Lukmai Sellup, made a heartfelt appeal to all communities in Manipur. She urged them to put celebrations on hold until peace returns to the state.
She stated, “Considering the plight of displaced residents from areas like Moreh, Churachandpur, and other regions now scattered across Manipur, it’s only respectful that we all abstain from celebrating any festivals.” Lairentombi cautioned that communities who disregard this plea should be prepared to bear the consequences of any potential repercussions.
Highlighting the significance of solidarity, she emphasised, “Even our revered Ningol Chakkouba festival won’t be observed until tranquillity is restored in Manipur. We’ve collectively made this choice and earnestly ask for everyone’s understanding and support.”
The people of Manipur deeply yearn for peace, as ongoing violence casts a shadow over every facet of their lives and livelihoods. Despite the palpable urgency, the Manipur Government has yet to devise a universally accepted solution that resonates with all its diverse communities.

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