Home » Local timber transporters demand immediate transfer of 3 CO AR-Saibol Outpost

Local timber transporters demand immediate transfer of 3 CO AR-Saibol Outpost

by Guru Aribam Naocha
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Local timber transporters demand immediate transfer of of 3 CO AR-Saibol Outpost

IT News
Imphal, May 2:

The Moirengthel Trade Hub and Development Committee, Tengnoupal District, Manipur, with Marern Hopeson Maring serving as Co-Convenor, has put up a fervent demand raising concerns to the conduct of Major Arun, Post Commander of 3 AR–Saibol Outpost. The committee highlights the distressing ordeal faced by local Timber Transporters due to alleged harassment inflicted by Major Arun and calls for his immediate transfer from the said outpost.
The local Timber Transporters, who rely on transporting round timbers/logs from Moirengthel Village to Pallel via Saibol, Sita, and Machi road for their livelihoods, find themselves at odds with Major Arun’s purported actions. They endure perilous conditions along the border area and extreme climatic challenges to sustain their families, yet their efforts are marred by what they perceive as unwarranted interference and obstruction.
Among the grievances cited by the committee are instances where Major Arun allegedly directed the establishment of a timber dumping site in Myanmar soil, endangering the lives of workers.
His purported restrictions on the use of machinery and strict time limits for operations have further compounded the challenges faced by the Timber Transporters, leading to significant disruptions and delays in their work.
Moreover, Major Arun’s insistence on irrelevant documentation and arbitrary limitations on vehicle movement have exacerbated the plight of the Timber Transporters, depriving them of their livelihood rights and undermining the principles of cooperation and support espoused by the Assam Rifles.
The committee contends that Major Arun’s actions have resulted in widespread harassment and denial of livelihood opportunities to the local Timber Transporters, contravening the ethos of the Assam Rifles as “Friends of the Hill people.” They urge the concerned higher authority to promptly effect Major Arun’s transfer from 3 AR-Saibol Outpost to ensure the welfare and rights of the local community.
In the absence of redressal, the committee warns of escalating protests and non-cooperation activities against 3 AR–Saibol Outpost, underscoring the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for intervention to address the grievances of the affected Timber Transporters.

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