Home » LMG celebrates 3rd Foundation Day; hails the role of social media in humanitarian causes

LMG celebrates 3rd Foundation Day; hails the role of social media in humanitarian causes

by Konthoujam Gita
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LMG celebrates 3rd Foundation Day; hails the role of social media in humanitarian causes

IT News,
Imphal, May 28:

Like Minded Group (LMG) has celebrated its 3rd Foundation Day today at the Loktak Hall, Manipur Press Club, Imphal. The event, which began at 12:30 PM, was marked by the presence of distinguished guests and members of the community.
The celebration was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Khogendro Khomdram, President of the Editors’ Guild Manipur, alongside LMG President, L. Kunjeshwor Sharma, and the Guest of Honour, Wangkhemcha Shyamjai, Chief Advisor of LMG, Manipur.
The event commenced with dignitaries taking their seats, followed by the traditional Lengyan presentation and a candle-lighting ceremony. Floral tributes were offered, and Roshan Moirangthem delivered the welcome address. Rakesh Naorem, an executive member and publicity secretary of LMG, gave the introductory speech.
Ojit Sorokhaibam, Secretary of LMG, delivered the keynote address, emphasizing the group’s achievements and future plans. In his speech, Sorokhaibam highlighted the three-day celebration that began on May 26 with a tree plantation drive, followed by a visit to a children’s home where aid was provided, culminating in today’s event at the Manipur Press Club.
“Our three-day celebration aimed to underline the importance of community service and the impact of social media in aiding the suffering,” said Sorokhaibam. “We are proud of the contributions LMG has made over the past three years and look forward to continuing our efforts in serving the community,” he added.
The Chief Guest, Khogendro Khomdram, and the Guest of Honour, Wangkhemcha Shyamjai, delivered speeches appreciating the role of LMG in fostering community spirit and social responsibility. The President of LMG, L. Kunjeshwor Sharma, also addressed the gathering, reflecting on the group’s journey and its contributions to society.

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