Home » Lightning strikes claim lives amidst Manipur’s hailstorm devastation

Lightning strikes claim lives amidst Manipur’s hailstorm devastation

by Jeet Akoijam
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Lightning strikes claim lives amidst Manipur’s hailstorm devastation

IT News
Imphal, May 11:

As Manipur grapples with the aftermath of a relentless hailstorm that has plagued the state since May 5, the tragedy deepened today as another farmer fell victim to lightning, while a woman sustained serious injuries in the incident.
The latest casualty occurred at approximately 10 am this morning in Bishnupur district, adding to the toll of devastation inflicted by nature’s fury. According to reports from Imphal Times, the recent lightning strike claimed the life of a farmer and left a woman injured, further exacerbating the woes of communities already reeling from the hailstorm’s havoc.
The deceased farmer, identified as 24-year-old Hemam Hemson of Moirang Okshongbung Leikai, was diligently tending to his field when the storm, accompanied by lightning, struck mercilessly. Meanwhile, 56-year-old Khangembam Rekha Devi and another woman from Trongloabi in Bishnupur district were engaged in collecting snails nearby when they too were caught in the tempest. Seeking refuge in a makeshift shelter amidst the paddy field, tragedy struck as lightning struck their vicinity, claiming the life of Hemson and injuring Rekha Devi.
Rekha Devi was swiftly rushed to the PHC Moirang for urgent medical attention, where she remains under treatment for her injuries, reflecting the severity of the incident.
The grim toll of lightning-related casualties now stands at three, with two fatalities and one injured individual recorded since the onset of the hailstorm on May 5, as per report. The unfortunate demise of Huidrom Nilakanta on May 5, followed by the recent incidents involving Hemson and Rekha Devi, underscores the unpredictability and perilous nature of natural disasters.
Tragedy struck again on the same day of May 5 when 53-year-old Lourembam Basant Singh suffered severe injuries after being struck by lightning while working in the field in Bishnupur district, further highlighting the vulnerability of individuals to the elements amidst the ongoing crisis.
As Manipur grapples with the dual onslaught of hailstorms and lightning strikes, communities remain on high alert, emphasizing the urgent need for preparedness and preventive measures to mitigate the impact of such calamities on vulnerable populations.

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