Home » Let’s focus on Peace: Ashang Kasar

Let’s focus on Peace: Ashang Kasar

by Konthoujam Gita
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Social worker Ashang Kasar warns Kuki Zo volunteers over threatening remark on social media

IT News
Imphal, Aug 8:
The state government should hold accountable to the general public of Manipur to what steps have been taken up so far to initiate a dialogue between the “warring communities”, asked Ashang Kasar.
“The situation in Manipur has gone from bad to worst as no improvement are seen. People need to be sincere and restrain all forms of violence committed towards the innocent people”, Convenor of the Forum for Restoration of Peace in Manipur, Ashang Kasar said.
He further expressed the forum’s concern with those who have been plunged into uncertainty because of the continuing violence in Manipur and called on authorities to control forces that spread communal disharmony and to restore peace and normalcy at the earliest. The Union government must ensure peace in Manipur, otherwise, it’s time to collectively rise against the central government said Ashang Kasar.

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