Home » Law and order condition in Manipur has totally failed – RK Ranjan

Law and order condition in Manipur has totally failed – RK Ranjan

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, June 16:

Union Minister of State for External Affairs, Dr. RK Ranjan has stated that the law-and-order conditions in the state of Manipur have totally failed. The Minister who is also an MP from the Inner Manipur Parliamentary constituency told media in response to the burning of his house at Kongba Nandeibam here in Imphal East district yesterday night at around 11 pm.
Large number of people yesterday came out spontaneously in protest against the death of 9 civilians in Khamenlok area in Imphal East district on the intervening night of Tuesday and Wednesday. The following day i.e yesterday, irate mob numbering in hundreds blocked the road at Kongba Bazar, Wangkhei, Bamon Leikai and New Checkon area. At around 10 pm yesterday the irate mob went towards Kongba Nandeibam Leikai, where the house of MoS Dr. RK Ranjan is located and the mob set ablaze the house. Dr. Ranjan and his family members were in Delhi at the time of the burning of the house.
Reacting to the burning of his house Dr. Ranjan said, “I would like to focus that the law-and-order condition of the state of Manipur is totally failed. The state government could not maintain the law-and-order condition despite the fact that the central government has sent a lot of central forces into the state. I do not know how the state mechanism has failed”.
The MoS MEA further said that he was shocked.
“I feel shocked. I never expect such kind of attitude and activities from my fellow citizens of the state”, Dr. Ranjan said.
The attack on Dr. Ranjan’s house is the second time. He was present on the first attack.
“The first time I convince them. And security protected”, Dr. Ranjan said.
The mob stopped the fire brigade which came to douse the fire.
“For the past 40 years, I have been working for the people and for Manipur. Today I am preparing to bring peace. I am negotiating with my senior ministers and colleagues to bring normalcy in the state”, A shocked Dr. Ranjan told the media at his official quarter in New Delhi.

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