Lamlai Mandal BJP threaten to boycott State President BJP

IT News

Imphal, July 04: Lamlai Mandal BJP threatened to boycott State President BJP, Thounaojam Chaoba against the enrolment of new faces to the party without the consent of the Mandal.

Addressing a press conference today at Manipur Press Club, Mongjam Poireihenba, Vice President, Bharatiya Janata Party Youth and executive member of Lamlai Mandal BJP said that the recent enrolment of some persons including NCP Manipur unit leader and former finance Minister C Doungel, Trinamool Congress, Manipur unit spokesman RK Shivachandra and ex-Trinamool Congress candidate, Kh Ibomcha by the State President BJP, Th. Chaoba was unethical. He said the party had earlier decided during its general body meeting held on May 30 that enrolment of any persons to the party will be done after taking consensus from among the party members. As the enrolment of the above mentioned personalities were done without consulting or taking consent of other members, the Lamlai Mandal BJP has taken the decision to boycott the President of BJP Manipur Pradesh, Th. Chaoba Singh.

Poireihenba further said that he would personally go and meet National President of BJP in a week to apprise for removal of Th. Chaoba from the post of State President BJP.

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