Lamenting on Children’s Day, Okram Ibobi asks, “Where is the future of our children?”

Okram Ibobi Singh, the former chief minister of Manipur, has expressed profound concern and posed a poignant question regarding the well-being and future prospects of Manipur’s children, who find themselves ensnared in the harrowing web of violence that has gripped the entire state since May 3.
When confronted with queries pertaining to Children’s Day, Ibobi Singh articulated a sentiment laden with apprehension, emphasizing the pivotal role that the current generation of children plays as the cornerstone of the nation. He fervently questioned the trajectory of Manipur’s future when its children, the potential architects of tomorrow, are relegated to the confines of relief camps, grappling with the traumatic aftermath of pervasive violence.
Expressing a discerning critique of the Manipur Government’s response to the crisis, Okram Ibobi Singh lamented what he perceived as insufficient efforts in addressing the complex challenges posed by the ongoing violence. While acknowledging the commendable establishment of relief camps and temporary residences for the displaced population, he underscored a pressing concern about the efficacy of the government’s initiatives.
In a tone reflecting a nuanced understanding of the intricacies involved, Ibobi Singh articulated, “We are appreciative of the government action in setting up relief camps and temporary residences for the displaced. Now they are talking about permanent housing. But the question is: Where will the relief camp be set up? Will they be at their native village?” His poignant question resonates with the underlying dilemma faced by the victims of the violence, particularly the displaced children, who yearn for a sense of normalcy and continuity in their lives.
He went on to emphasize a crucial aspect of rehabilitation — the importance of permanent settlements in the native villages of the affected population. Ibobi Singh elucidated, “In relief camps, all the victims of the violence wanted to live in the same locality where they used to live. The permanent settlement must be at their native village.”
Regarding  the protracted turmoil that has plagued Manipur for seven long months, Okram Ibobi Singh, with sagacity born from his political acumen, earnestly called for a transformative approach to resolve the crisis. The seasoned leader appealed for dialogue as the linchpin for ending the ongoing strife, recognizing the imperative of fostering understanding and reconciliation among the contesting communities.
In a resolute stance against the prevailing violence, Ibobi Singh articulated, “All the people living in India, regardless of communal lines, must foster peace and harmony, and this is what Jawaharlal Nehru wanted. There is no place for violence in a democratic nation.” By invoking the ideals of Nehru, a stalwart of India’s freedom struggle and the country’s first Prime Minister, Ibobi Singh underscores the enduring importance of unity and peaceful coexistence in the diverse tapestry of the nation.
The former Chief Minister, cognizant of the toll that prolonged conflict takes on the fabric of society, emphasized the urgency of initiating a dialogue to arrive at a solution. With a pointed declaration, he stated, “The violence has reached seven months. There should be dialogue to bring a solution. The Congress party doesn’t support violence. Only dialogue can bring a change to the current turmoil in Manipur.”
Building upon the principles of non-violence and constructive dialogue advocated by Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, Okram Ibobi Singh continued to underscore the importance of a positive societal transformation through dialogue. He emphasized, “It’s better to have dialogue and bring a positive change in society. This is what the Congress party wants. Violence in Manipur has persisted for too long. The Indian Government should find a solution and restore peace and normality in Manipur like before.”
In aligning the Congress party’s aspirations with the philosophies of Gandhi and Nehru, Ibobi Singh not only emphasized the necessity of dialogue but also reiterated the party’s commitment to fostering positive change and upholding the democratic values that form the foundation of the nation.
On the occasion of former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s 134th birth anniversary, members of the Congress Party paid rich tributes at Congress Bhavan in Imphal. Okram Ibobi Singh further articulated the broader significance of this commemoration by expressing that the celebrations would extend to relief camps, where a significant concentration of children, the most vulnerable victims of the prevailing crisis, are housed. The decision to organize events in relief camps to mark Nehru’s birth anniversary reflects a compassionate and inclusive approach, acknowledging the need to bring a sense of normalcy and joy to the lives of those directly impacted by the ongoing turmoil.

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