KYKL extends revolutionary greeting on 30th anniversary

KYKL extends revolutionary greeting on 30th anniversary

IT News
Imphal, April 24:

Proscribed group Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL) extends revolutionary greetings to all revolutionary organizations and individuals, as well as to the CSOs, public leaders, public intellectuals, and media fraternity in the WESEA region and Kangleipak. Quoting Russian revolutionary Lenin, the Chairman of KYKL, Oken Namoijam, stated in the released statement, “Politics is the most concentrated expression of economics, its generalizations, and its culmination.” The statement emphasized, “Politics represents the outer appearance of deeper societal structures encompassing culture, morality, law, religion, philosophy, arts, literature, and the economy—a foundation underlying them all.”
Further, it asserted that the processes governing society—economic, political, cultural, social, and natural—are intertwined; none exist in isolation. Among these processes, economic forces hold particular sway, often driving others. The Marxist theory underlying Lenin’s assertions has evolved through an understanding of macro-history and the laws governing societal change. However, employing this analytical methodology to grasp the micro-history of a specific locale remains subject to debate. Nonetheless, recognizing that even a small spark can ignite significant change is crucial.
With this understanding, according to Oken Namoijam, “we can delve into the economic roots of the ethnic conflict between the Kuki and Meitei communities.” Reflecting on Manipur’s history, the statement highlights the economic unity and self-sufficiency that characterized Manipur pre-merger. However, post-merger, Manipur’s self-sufficiency in economy and food production eroded, transitioning to a grant-dependent economy. This economic crisis has fuelled the political conflicts plaguing Manipur today.
Addressing a recent comment by a JNU professor, since the 2001 movement to safeguard the territorial integrity of Manipur, nothing substantial has been achieved for more than 22-23 years. The statement asserts that it is not about merely taking action but about addressing the worsening situation.
Therefore, “moving forward, restoring unity in Manipur must become the primary focus of our political endeavours. In the philosophy of the ‘idea of Manipur,’ economic considerations should be paramount, forming the foundation for our ideological framework.”
The statement further notes that “presently, communities in Manipur are engaged in senseless violence, pitted against each other. Through a comprehensive understanding, we can mitigate the grim future that awaits if such conflicts persist.”

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