IPSA distributes solar lamps to students

IT News
Imphal, April 03:

International Peace and Social Advancement (IPSA), Kangleipak, today distributed solar lamps to students of some schools of Imphal East under the theme ‘Youth for future’.
A function held in connection with the distribution of Solar Lamp held at Paradise Academy, Canchipur today morning was attended by MLA L. Rameshwor Meetei, President of IPSA Joychandra Konthoujam, Chingkhei Nameirakpam, Khoirom Ibohal (Principal of Paradise School), and N. Shibakumar Singh (Head Master, Premier English Academy) as dignitaries on the dais.
IPSA has been targeting to distribute 4000 (Four Thousand) number of Solar Lamp to students for preparation of their studies as the students have missed their classes for a prolonged period due to Covid-19 Pandemic.
“Today’s distribution is a part of the initiative taken up by IPSA for the students of Imphal East”, said Joychandra Konthoujam while speaking on the occasion. He further added that such distribution of Solar lamps to students will also be held at other districts of the state.

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