Home » Indian Naval Ships visit Bangladesh as part of ‘Swarnim Vijay Varsh’ celebration

Indian Naval Ships visit Bangladesh as part of ‘Swarnim Vijay Varsh’ celebration

by Raju Vernekar
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IT Correspondent
Mumbai, Mar 8:

Indian Naval Ships “Sumedha” and “Kulish” left for Bangladesh from the Indian Navy’s headquarters in Visakhapatnam, in Andhra Pradesh on Saturday, to make a port call at the historic port town of Mongla between March 08 and March 11, to commemorate the ongoing “Swarnim Vijay Varsh” celebration,
The “Swarnim Vijay Varsh” (Golden jubilee celebrations) are being held to commemorate India’s victory in the 1971 India-Pakistan war and reiterate the Indo-Bangladeshi friendship. In December 1971, the Indian Armed Forces secured a decisive and historic Victory over Pakistan Army, which led to the creation of a Nation – Bangladesh and also resulted in the largest Military Surrender after the World War – II.
INS “Sumedha”, is an indigenously build Offshore Patrol vessel and “Kulish”, an indigenously built guided missile corvette. The Indian Naval Ships are visiting Bangladesh to pay homage to the Bangladeshi and Indian combatants and citizens who laid down their lives during the Liberation War of 1971 and reiterate India’s firm resolve and commitment to maintain peace, stability and good order in the region, in line with SAGAR – Security and Growth for all in the Region, as articulated by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 
On behalf of the Chief of Naval Staff, the Commanding Officers of the ships will call on the senior Bangladesh Navy hierarchy to reaffirm Indian Navy’s solidarity and partnership with the Bangladesh Navy. Following all Covid-19 protocols, the ships’ crew will also participate in professional and cultural exchanges as well as friendly sports fixtures with their counterparts in the Bangladesh Navy, further enhancing synergy between the two navies, Commander Mehul Karnik said.
In another development, Bangladesh Navy Ship (BNS) “Prottoy” recently visited the Indian Navy’s Western Naval Command in Mumbai. The ship, commanded by Captain Ahamed Amin Abdullah, had a halt in Mumbai before and after her visit to Abu Dhabi to participate in “NAVDEX/ IDEX 2021” exhibition at Abu Dhabi, UAE.
During the ship’s stay at Mumbai, the Commanding Officer accompanied by Assistant Defence Advisor, High Commission of Bangladesh from New Delhi called on Vice Admiral RB Pandit, the Chief of Staff of the Western Naval Command. He also laid a wreath at the ‘Gaurav Stambh’.
The year 2021 is being celebrated as ‘Swarnim Vijay Varsh’ being the 50th anniversary of the 1971 Indo-Pak war and the 50th Year of Independence of Bangladesh. To commemorate this historic year, a number of events with joint participation of Armed Forces personnel of both the countries have been planned. India and Bangladesh have come a long way towards nurturing strategic and defence relationship that is gradually maturing into one of mutual trust and confidence.

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