India must respect Kangleipak’s history – PREPAK (Pro)

IT News
Imphal, Oct 9:

Proscribed group PREPAK (Pro) today celebrated the 45th Raising Day of its Red Army. On the occasion Chairman of PREPAK (Progressive) L.Paliba M expressed his views while paying tribute to all the martyrs who had sacrificed their lives in the courses of liberation movements.
In a statement, the chairman of the PREPAK (Pro) said that the coronavirus is wreaking havoc on every aspect of our life but amidst this pandemic some people are trying to unscrupulously exploit and dismantle the Kanglei society by indulging in the dreadful narcotic trade. Most of these persons are genealogically devoid of our motherland’s blood. They are the real enemies of the society as their minds are tainted with fiendishness. Many civil society organisations have been working hard to uplift the society, but it would be fruitless if these few persons are allowed to exist in the society. Prominent leaders among local communities and CSOs must cogitate to finish off such persons.
It said, “The outside invaders could easily occupy India due to frequent infighting among the Hindu Kingdoms. There was no question of nation or nationalism during that period but it was just a dynastic patriotism. Even the early stage of British occupation was welcome by the Hindu Indian as their saviour from the Muslim rulers. No kingdom or empire could maintain a prolong reign in India. However, monarchism in Kangleipak had been continued over 2000 years. We must be proud of this, but India purposefully disrespects this historical status which has become the main reason for armed uprising.
“India was created due to the conflict between the people and the British colonialism. However, there were diverse cultures, communities, and faiths among the so called the Indian people. The revolutionary movement of composite nationalism was not mobilised robustly to dissipate the diversities. India’s independence was handed over to the few Indians who had been perfectly inflicted with the British values. These British adopted Indian leaders continued the same colonialist style of politics like their masters. Without the national consciousness, the total independent movement was carried out which ultimately could not distribute the real independence among the peasants and workers, downgraded indigenous groups, and the ethnic minorities. It is worth to notice that the Dravidian leader E.V.R Periyar once said “Is the cat’s rule Swarajya for the rat” which is becoming a true metaphor. Kangleipak should not be a part of suppressive India.
“While India is dragging under demonetization process, GST, ‘Make in India’ initiative the neighbour Bangladesh has been economically advancing than India. 25 million jobs were lost during January-May 2021. It is also a gloomy prospect that a generation might be wiped out by this pandemic. On the contrary, the world’s largest political party BJP with 180 million memberships and its vast keyboard warriors have been trying to propagate Prime Minister Modi as divine status. They falsely propagated that UNESCO had declared Modi as world’s best leader and they also fantasized boastfully that 450 years ago the prophet Nostradamus had predicted that Modi era would be a golden age not only for India but the whole world. Apart from that the cult of Mr.Modi is so formidable that coronavirus vaccine certificates and outgoing email of NHRC both bear the image of prime minister.
Ironically his photo is not printed on coronavirus death certificates. It is comical that the recent aggressive and finger-wagging lecturing tone of Modi’s Speech in the UN General Assembly room drew little interest; most of the seats were empty as his speech was similar to that of election rally address. India’s internal cold war between the “cult personated BJP” and the 54 years’ Frankensteinian ruler of Congress party, has been squeezing the common people. We don’t have the future foundation in such two demonic ruling India.
“The essence of democracy is the free expression of opinion. Recently, many opposition leaders have protested strongly against the infliction of Pegasus Spyware to their mobile phones. But there is something fishy about it as the issue has cooled down. There is apprehension that the spyware might have muted the opposition by collecting their disgraceful personal information. The famous wording “Big Brother is watching you” of George Orwell’s novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four” is exactly similar with what is happening in India. The Indian government always crosses the personal space of its citizens to grab them tightly.
“The peculiar form of Deep State, in which the military and intelligent community played a major advisory role in public administration, is putatively evident in India. There are allegations that the intelligent agencies did not try to stop the Parliament attack in 2001, Godhra train burning in 2002, terrorist attack of Pulwama and Uri even though they had received the convincing information in advance. In the name of maintaining tranquility, the wheelchaired hawkish bureaucrats chalked out the “offensive defence doctrine” by which the hot pursuit and arbitrary arrests are the pre-emptive parameters.
The development and growth of China has been a world’s ideal. The Chinese government had implemented the people’s livelihood policy by following the metaphorical proverb of “teaching a man to fish is better than giving him a fish”. India is playing policy of doles by distributing freebies, free rice, and handful of money for electoral gains. Government of India has been implementing more than twenty poverty alleviation programs starting from ‘Garibi Hatao’. However, there is no meaningful decrease in poverty. The fact of the matter is that these socialist programs were managed by those luxurious ministers and bureaucrats who are being categorized as Champagne Socialists. They can be called as Delhi Lutyens’ socialists or Imphal Babupara’s Socialists.
“The adage of Jose Ortega Y. Gasset that a revolution only lasts fifteen years, a period which coincides with the effectiveness of a generation, needs to be deeply analysed. The faster pervading social changes have pounded adversely to the revolutionary parties. We need a timely preparation to face these negative impacts. It is now imperative that revolution and liberation struggle must be together. We believe that the revolutionary struggle is just to establish a self-sufficing and self-determined Kangleipak by barricading the Kanglei society against the Indian colonialism. This is a necessary but not a sufficient means. The prolong living under India’s colonialism would not finish off the whacking problems of Kangleipak; we know that the ultimate solution would be achieved through armed liberation struggle. However, the liberation struggle must be integrated together with people, which could not be achieved during the last forty-five plus years of armed struggle. This has been our weakness. As being a revolutionary party, we should be courageous to correct our weakness and irrational policies in time.
“Chief Minister Mr. Biren has made an appeal to resolve the insurgency problem peacefully. He even expressed his willingness to be kind of a bridge for solution. His proposal is appreciable but not welcoming at this moment. Would it be a breakable bamboo bridge where crossers faced frequent lose footing? It is obvious that the Kashmiri, Sikh, Dravidian of Southern five states have strong desire to change the political structure of India as Confederation of India. The poor peasants, workers, and indigenous people of Maoist’s prone 10 states wanted the socialist program of equal distribution, and they don’t want their natural resources to be managed by wealthy people and big companies. But the government of India doesn’t take seriously these hitherto known demands, let alone the solution of insurgency.
“There would be no holistic solution of political conflicts if there is a rigid mindset to keep everything inside the wall of the Constitution of India. It was an ideal insight when Atal Behari Vajpayee once said Kashmiri problem should be solved through humanity (Insaniyat). It is not certain the present government might own that ideal. The humanity and historical uniqueness of Kangleipak are the parameters to seek the main causes of our insurgency. We wish India must be a union of independent States like European Union, with whom independent Kangleipak would establish a paramount relation. Lastly, the geopolitics and geo-economic condition of the Kangleipak would impel the necessary good relation between the neighbour and closer countries such as India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and China.


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