Imphal West Police team recovered stolen vehicle, handed over to owner

IT News

Imphal, Dec 24

A team of Imphal West police Station led by Assistant Sub Inspector Th. Saratchandra Singh acting under the supervision of Officer-in-charge N. Ingocha recovered a stolen 2 wheeler vehicle and handed over the vehicle after informing the owner of the vehicle.

The 2 wheeler vehicle, Honda Activa bearing registration number MN01N5533 was lifted while parking near IMPACT –TV at Nambul River Road on December 14, 2019 at around 6 pm.

According to ASI Sharatchandra, the two wheeler vehicle was found lying at the road side of Tiddim road near Hodam Leirak for around two days. Suspecting foul play he along with his team checked the vehicle and enquire about the owner to the nearby shops. Later after informing the matter to the officer in charge of Imphal West Police station N. Ingocha, he searched for the owner base on the name registration certificate and came to know that the vehicle was assumed lost by the owner.

Talking to Imphal Times the owner of the vehicle said that he had never expected that he will find his vehicle. He thank the Imphal West Police team for such a good service.

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