Home » Hunphun Shaizas felicitate Bodybuilder Khanrin Shaiza for National Achievements

Hunphun Shaizas felicitate Bodybuilder Khanrin Shaiza for National Achievements

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Hunphun Shaizas felicitate Bodybuilder Khanrin Shaiza for National Achievements

Special Correspondent
Ukhrul, May 20:

The Hunphun Shaiza clan, one of the prominent clans in Ukhrul, celebrated a significant milestone by honouring Eno. Khanrin Shaiza, a trailblazing bodybuilder from their community. The felicitation ceremony, organized and sponsored by Hunphun Shaiza Shang, took place at the residence of Qr. Shinmi Shaiza, the clan’s chairman, in Greenland on Sunday.
Khanrin Shaiza, who has earned the distinction of being the first officially recognized bodybuilder from Ukhrul, recently secured 5th place in the Senior Men’s Bodybuilding 13th Federation Cup 2024. This national-level competition, held under the aegis of the Indian Bodybuilding Federation, took place in Goa from April 6th to 7th.
Shaiza’s journey to becoming a celebrated bodybuilder has been one of perseverance and transformation. Trained by renowned bodybuilder and former Mr. India, Robert Singh, who owns Ukhrul Royal Gym and is the Principal of Ukhrul Central School, Shaiza has overcome significant personal challenges to reach his current standing.
During the felicitation program, Khanrin Shaiza expressed profound gratitude to the Shaiza clan for their unwavering support. He shared the hardships he faced following the death of his father, Seihaso Shaiza of Reiyotang, Ukhrul, when he was just a child. This loss led him into a period of loneliness and frustration, during which he unintentionally became involved with drugs. Recognizing the detrimental impact of this path, he asked his mother to admit him to a rehabilitation center, determined to change his life.
“During my time at the rehab center, I developed a strong desire to become healthy and fit,” Shaiza recounted. “After my release, I told my mother about my intention to join a gym. That’s when I met my coach, Sir Robert, who encouraged, guided, and supported me selflessly. Today, I owe my success to my coach and guru, Robert. Without his support, I might not have seen the light of day.”
Shaiza further shared how he channels his energy and battles his former habits through meditation and rigorous training. Under Robert’s mentorship, he first competed in the Manipur Bodybuilding Championship in 2023, securing 5th place at the state level. This success was followed by his 5th place finish at the national level in Goa.
Looking forward, Khanrin Shaiza is preparing to compete in the Mr. Khamba Bodybuilding Championship, scheduled for August-September, and another significant competition in December. Alongside his training, he is also committed to helping others, currently training five individuals who are battling drug addiction.
“With the blessings and support of my clan and the grace of Almighty God, I aim to bring laurels to my clan and make a name for myself. I sincerely urge everyone to pray for me so that I may return with the championship trophy,” Shaiza pleaded earnestly.
The felicitation ceremony included a blessing prayer led by Rev. Pastor Ephrin Shaiza and was attended by numerous members of the Shaiza clan, including elders, women, and youths. The event was a testament to the community’s support for one of their own and a celebration of Shaiza’s remarkable achievements and future aspirations.

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