GOI approves separate passport and flag for Nagas

IT News

Imphal June 25,

Report appeared at various newspapers basee in North East states said that the ongoing peace talk between the government of India and National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN-IM) is nearing conclusion as the Government of India (GoI) approves the eight points charter of demands put up by the NSCN-IM. The report also said that the eight points demands has been signed between the two entities under the Peace Accord. 

The Naga Peace Accord, a framework agreement as it has been termed, signed between the National Socialist Council of Nagalim-Isak-Muivah (NSCN-IM) and the Government of India on August 3, 2015 is significant for several reasons.

RH Raising, Kilo Kilonser (Home Minister) of NSCN-IM while talking to media said that the Government of India has accepted the new political concept of Nagas in order to resolve the indo-Naga issue at the earliest thereby paving the way for building a separate entity for the Nagas.

The 8 points signed under Peace Accord are

  1. A separate constitution for Nagaland, 2. Separate Flag
  2. Separate Naga passport
  3. Permanent UN Representative,
    5. Joint Foreign Affairs,
    6. Joint Defence/Military
  4. Use of Currency Rupees (Right to use Naga Currency) and ,
    8. Pan Naga Government to cover all Naga inhabited Areas

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Rahul June 25, 2019 - 1:26 pm
Source?????? Kindly clarify or it will attract legal action.
Kham June 25, 2019 - 2:07 pm
Then it is as good as separate /sovereign State. What will be the the reaction of Meitei and Kuki
Kaka June 25, 2019 - 5:18 pm
It's high time for the GOI to finalize the long standing Naga political issue The authentic right of the people of Nagas must not keep secret What proof do India want It's time to deliver sovereign independent to nagas
Thingbaijam June 25, 2019 - 5:43 pm
Authenticity of this news. Please share the sources of the news also...it's very confusing to the general public specifically for the entire North East India.
Sadagar Kalai June 29, 2019 - 3:58 am
I don't think so that the GOI will accept such a demands which is demanded by NSCN...... Because, we the northeast peoples experienced on Indian political policies!
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