Home » Fresh violence erupts at Thamnapokpi Shantikhongbal

Fresh violence erupts at Thamnapokpi Shantikhongbal

by Jeet Akoijam
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Fresh violence erupts at Thamnapokpi Shantikhongbal

IT News
Imphal, June 23:

Tensions flared in Thamnapokpi Shantikhongbal, situated in Imphal East district, following a night time assault by suspected armed militants from a nearby hilltop. The incident, which occurred around 10:20 pm on June 22, saw militants opening fire on the village from their elevated position.
Local sources report that villagers responded to the attack with their own gunfire, leading to a brief but intense exchange between the armed militants and village volunteers. The situation escalated quickly, prompting security forces to intervene swiftly to quell the violence and restore calm to the area.
Despite the intervention, the atmosphere remains charged with fear and uncertainty among villagers, who fear further attacks. Concerns have been raised by villagers regarding the response of central forces, alleging disproportionate actions against Meitei villages despite the initial provocation from the militants.
In the aftermath of the incident, local residents are urging central forces to adopt a more nuanced and balanced approach in their operations. They emphasize the need for decisive action against the militants responsible for initiating the conflict, while ensuring the safety and security of innocent civilians.
The incident at Thamnapokpi Shantikhongbal highlights the ongoing security challenges in Manipur, highlighting the need for continued vigilance and effective measures to maintain peace and stability in the region.

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