Home » Election Campaign in Mizoram and Chhattisgarh ends at 6 pm today

Election Campaign in Mizoram and Chhattisgarh ends at 6 pm today

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Campaign for the Mizoram and Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023 ends today at 6 pm with the poll day just two days away. The voting for 40 assembly constituencies in Mizoram and polling for 20 seats of the 90-member Chhattisgarh assembly of the first phase will be held on 7 November.
All together 174 candidates are in the fray in the 40 Assembly constituencies in Mizoram. The MNF has fielded candidates in all 40 seats, including 25 incumbent legislators, while six ZPM MLAs among its 40 nominees are seeking re-election.
Twenty-three BJP candidates and four nominees of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) have filed their papers, the officials said, adding that 27 candidates have submitted nomination documents as independents.
A total of 8,51,895 voters will cast their vote to elect 40 members of the Mizoram Assembly election in 1276 polling stations. Among the total voters, 412969 are male, 438925 are female, and 1(one) third gender. There are a total of 4973 service voters in Mizoram. First-time voters who are in the age group 18-19 years stand at 50,611. The sex ratio of voters in Mizoram is 1063.
As per the Chief Electoral Officer’s office, till Saturday, as many as 2,058 votes have been cast through home voting and 7,497 votes through postal ballots at designated facilitation centres. The home voting method for the 2023 Mizoram Legislative Assembly elections has been expanded to several state districts, enabling PwD and senior citizens (80 years of age and above) to cast votes. Poll workers, other officials, and those providing necessary services are all voting at the same time using postal ballots.
The term of the Mizoram legislative assembly ends on 17 December 2023 while the term Chhattisgarh legislative assembly ends on 3 January 2024.
BJP leader and election co-in-charge for Mizoram, Anil Antony has exuded confidence in winning the assembly polls in the northeastern state, claiming that the party is poised to achieve its best-ever performance in the polls. “BJP is contesting 23 seats here, and we are very confident that we will be strongly contesting and winning most of the seats we are contesting here, and I can assure you that this will be our best ever performance in the state of Mizoram…” Anil Antony told a news agency.


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