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Donations at Rims continue

by Sh Ajit
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IT News
Imphal, June 1:

Many individuals and organizations have been helping the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal through donation and aid of covid-19 medical supplies and equipment to support the challenges of COVID management in the institute.
Today, the institute received 5 Oxygen Cylinders, 50 PPE kits and 45 NRB masks donated by Dr. Babina Thangjam, Consultant Pathologist Babina Diagnostic, Imphal in hours of crisis during COVID-19 pandemic. And Bhagyashree Laishram, MCS currently posted as Administrative Officer of MSPDCL, Manipur also donated 1 Oxygen Concentrator to RIMS in public interest. Prof. A. Santa Singh, Director, RIMS on behalf the institute thank Dr. Babina Thangjam and Bhagyashree Laishram for supporting the institute specially our patients and frontline workers.
The contributions will definitely helpful in mitigating the hardship faced by both the patients and the frontline workers.

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