Dogs loyalty to humankind elaborated in Festival of dogs

Manipur Dog Lovers Club (MDLC) organized a Festival of Dogs, Canine Carnival at Hapta Kangjeibung, Imphal on Friday under the theme “Stop Dog Meat’ and ‘Health First”.
B.Bandrinarayan Sharma, Commissioner (GAD &AE) and Dr. R.K Nimai attended as Chief Guest and President respectively.
B.B Sharma stressed on the importance of Dog and its immense loyalty towards mankind. Giving examples from comic Tin- Tin and movie “Hachiko” he gave a clear picture on the loyalty and faithfulness of a dog who is men best friend.
Dr R.K Nimai clearly said, “One should breed dogs not for show off, they are like us who need love and care. One should never forget the only thing on earth that loves you is dog. He would even sacrifice for his master”.
Dogs like Labrador retriever, German Shepherd, Siberian Husky, English Mastiff, Rottweiler, St. Bernard, Bull Mastiff, Tangkhul hui and Meitie hui were some of the breeds who came for this carnival.
As part of the programme, Talent shows, free veterinary camps, talks by animal experts, photo exhibition  felicitation of the Samaritans and book release were also held.
Some of the dog experts conveyed to the public to discourage the habit of consuming dog meat. Countries like Europe, Russia, Africa, Latin America, China, Philippines and South Korea consume dog meat. Disease like Rabies, infection by parasites like salmonella and bacterial infections like anthrax, hepatitis, leptospirosis can be spread through the meat to the people. Once these parasites are in human body then they can cause inflammation in blood vessels which leads to hemorrhaging in the nail beds and eyes, in addition to severe muscle weakness.
Dog meat has highest cholesterol present .Due to the excessive amount of lipid present in it human body can’t metabolize it easily. Let’s stop the culture of having puppy meat.  If we turn them for our consumption then it would be a greatest joke on mankind. This could have a negative impact on human health if they are not addressed at right time. DSP Brinda in her words said, ‘How could one consume a faithful animal like this? Knowing they would be guarding you for life time’. Is dog meant to be our companion or its meat fit for our consumption?
One of the most debating question is: are we going to make all our local dogs meant for our consumption and imported dogs to breed? One should not forget its capability since it has been here for ages and now have well adapted with our climatic conditions one should not treat our local breed cheaply. The belief of local dog being “dumb” was proved wrong by Jone’s (local breed Meitei hui).
Presently MDLC is fighting against cruelty of animal by spreading more awareness through its activities. In past they have adopted some stray dogs which were later taken away by their owners.
The chilly evening ended with several talent shows which were brought in by the trained dogs. They won our hearts and also made us all feel that they are meant to be our companion and “not for our consumption”.

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1 comment

Neneo April 19, 2016 - 3:21 pm
It's good to see that more and more dog lovers are increasing And the dog owners are taking good care by regular health check ups routine vaccinations and also the diet ?
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