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DMU and MUC listed as defaulters for Non-Compliance with UGC Regulations

by Rinku Khumukcham
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DMU and MUC listed as defaulters for Non-Compliance with UGC Regulations

IT News
Imphal, June 20:

Dhanamanjuri University (DMU) and Manipur University of Culture (MUC) have been flagged as defaulters by the University Grants Commission (UGC) for failing to comply with mandated regulations regarding the appointment of Ombudspersons. The latest update from UGC, dated June 1, 2024, lists these universities among others that have not fulfilled the requirement outlined in the UGC (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations, 2023.
This development follows a public notice issued on January 17, 2024, urging universities to appoint Ombudspersons. Despite repeated reminders, DMU and MUC have not taken the necessary steps to rectify their non-compliance.
In response to the UGC’s action, the President of the Dhanamanjuri University Students’ Union (DMUSU) voiced strong dissatisfaction over the prolonged absence of key administrative appointments. “It’s been six years without a Vice-Chancellor or a regular registrar,” stated the DMUSU President. “The lack of leadership has led to severe disruptions, including the failure to conduct exams for undergraduate and postgraduate students.”

DMU students protest against stationing Central Forces inside university
The students of DMU have expressed strong objections to the presence of central paramilitary forces stationed on campus. The DMUSU President emphasized widespread discontent regarding this deployment. “There is strong objection to the presence of central forces within our university,” he stated firmly.
Laimayum Shelly echoed this sentiment, questioning the rationale behind stationing central forces on campus. “Those central forces currently stationed here should be removed immediately,” she insisted, reflecting the broader student sentiment against their presence.

Laimayum Shelly, a concerned student, criticized university officials for neglecting their responsibilities. “None of them sit at their offices; they claim to be busy with personal work,” Shelly remarked. “We have raised our concerns multiple times, but no action has been taken.”
Students at DMU are demanding immediate removal of the long-serving registrar and Vice-Chancellor, citing their ineffectiveness and the deteriorating academic environment under their tenure. They are calling for the appointment of qualified replacements who can address the administrative vacuum and restore proper functioning in the university.
The protest, initiated by DMU students, though commenced peacefully at the university as they voiced their grievances and demands. However, tensions rose when the rally reached Imphal Market, leading to a minor clash between the students and the police.
The ongoing administrative challenges and non-compliance with UGC regulations have exacerbated tensions within the university community, prompting students to escalate their protests and demands for corrective actions from university authorities and the UGC.

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