Despite 32 centers in 16 district, Covid-19 vaccination done in just 16 centers; many irked

IT News
Imphal, May 17:

Even as the state Health Directorate had announced to begin Covihied vaccination for people above 18 years to 44 years from today at 32 centers in 16 districts of the state , Vaccination was doe only in 16 centers one each at the respective district.
As per memorandum issued by the Directorate of Family Welfare Services, Manipur n May 14 and 15 , a total of 39780 doses of the vaccines have been allotted, and this means at least a total of 39,780 people in between 18 years to 44 years should be vaccinated. As only one center at each district has been open for vaccination, obviously half the number will not get vaccination today.
Reason for the vaccination at only one center at each district is not let known to the people. Is it because the state does not have adequate quantity of vaccine stock or is it because those in the department keeping some stock for the VVIPs or the VIPs demand, these are lot of question comes from various sections as the state authority is reluctant to put in public the exact number of vaccines in stock.
“They (health department) are simply trying to show that vaccination is going on and not with a dedication to safe the people’, said Premjit, a social worker while interacting to Imphal Times.
Meanwhile, what shocks the people is the circulation of information by the Covid-19 Common Control Room and the Chart for vaccination report issued by the concerned health department authority. In the Chart it has been reported that 1st dose vaccination done from January 16 till May 16 , 6 pm is 3,09,896 people above 45 years. And the total number of people above years who got 2nd dose is 79,113.
However, in the press statement issued by the Covid -19 common control room , the total number of persons (above 45 years) vaccinated is 3,09,596. A difference of 300 people. And there is no mention of the total people who got 2nd dose in the press statement. Such error caused by dereliction duty or perhaps due to lack of qualifications causes confuse and people sometimes wonder on which information to be rely on . Because both are government establishments.

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