Delayed removal of Independence Day gates clogs Imphal roads

IT News
Imphal, Aug 16:

Just a day after India basked in the grandeur of its 77th Independence Day, the streets of Imphal were thrown into chaos, largely due to the delayed removal of temporary gates erected by various state government departments for the festivities.
The gates, which were not designed to facilitate smooth traffic flow, have historically caused disruptions during state-level events. The aftermath of this year’s Independence Day celebrations was no exception.
By 1 pm, vehicular movement on the Bir Tikendrajit Flyover was virtually at a standstill. Motorists on two-wheelers were seen navigating the wrong lanes in a desperate bid to keep to their schedules. Meanwhile, those in cars and larger vehicles found themselves at the mercy of Traffic Control officers, especially near the western entrance of the iconic Kangla gate, with malfunctioning traffic signals adding to the chaos.
One exasperated driver, stepping out of his vehicle to gauge the gridlock stretching back to the Uripok side of the flyover, lamented, “These incidents occur all too frequently. It feels as though government authorities have continually overlooked the difficulties we face. For the community’s benefit, it’s crucial that the government ensures smoother traffic conditions.”
Keishampat crossing painted a similar picture. Traffic from the Palace Compound and Babupara swarmed the Keishampat junction, adjacent to the Paona International Market, with the relentless blare of horns amplifying the distress. The city’s woes were further compounded by relentless rains, leading to prolonged water logging, thanks to an inefficient drainage system.
Despite past instances of traffic impediments and even accidents attributed to these gates, the authorities have yet to take proactive measures for their prompt removal, or even to reconsider their placement during events. While key officials, including the Chief Minister, navigate the city with relative ease during these disruptions, the common resident grapples with the consequences of oversight, igniting growing discontent and calls for action.

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