Cracks between NPP and BJP stitched; Deputy CM Yumnam Joykumar re-allocated with Finance portfolio

IT News

Imphal, July 6:

The crack between the state BJP and the state NPP seems to be finally stitched with Chief Minister N. Biren Singh government re-allocating the stripped off portfolios to NPP legislature wing leader Yumnam Joykumar Singh, who is also the Deputy Chief Minister under BJP led coalition government of Manipur.

On June 13, 2019, Chief Minister N. Biren Singh government stripped off the Finance portfolio from the Deputy Chief Minister Yumnam Joykumar igniting souring relationship between the BJP and its ally partner NPP. Later on April 10, 2020, the crack between the ally came to limelight after all portfolios allotted to Yumnam Joykumar has been stripped off. Yumnam Joykumar Singh, the Deputy Chief Minister without any portfolio in the N. Biren Singh government finally revolted following which all the 4 (four) NPP MLAs who are ministers in the government tendering resignation ahead of the Rajya Sabha Election held on June 19. The drama then continued to haunt the state political theatre for quite some times until the matter was settled with the interference of Central leadership of both BJP and NPP.

The four NPP Ministers including Deputy CM Y. Joykumar, who had tendered resignation on June 17 from the ministers, were however not accepted by the government. And hence, they continue to be the ministers in the government and no change of portfolio has been made, as per source.

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