Counter blockade begins, Volunteers vandalise 1 Mini truck, pull down goods

Meitei Youth front, South East Asia has begun its counter blockade today against the indefinite economic blockade along the two National Highways called by ATSUM from the midnight of June 22.
According to reports reaching here, large number of volunteers of the front checked all vehicles going towards Chandel district at Pallel area. Goods found carrying were reportedly pulled down by the volunteers and told the owner to collect it after the blockade has been over. The report added that no violent activities were occurred but seen many villagers returning disappointingly.
On the other hand, volunteers of the Meitei Youth Front, South East Asia turn hostile at Moidangpok area along the Imphal Jiri road. They reportedly vandalise 1 goods ferrying Mini truck which came from Imphal towards Keithelmanbi side. The volunteers also stopped 5 Tata DI mini trucks and pull down all goods carrying towards Keithelmanbi side. A team of police which came tried to clean the route but as the number of volunteers was extensively large they failed to control the situation. Later, the police collected the goods pulled down by the counter blockade supporters. 

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