Conference on Irabot and Manipuri Diaspora organised

IT News
Imphal, Oct 01:

An international online Conference on Jananeta Hijam Irabot and Manipuri Diaspora was organised yesterday in connection with the 125th Birth Anniversary of Lamyanba Hijam Irabot.In the conference jointly organised by the All-Manipur Columnists’ Union (AMCU), the Pole Star College, the Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Samiti, Manipur Prant and the Intellectual Forum of North East, Prof. Naorem Lokendra Singh, Vice- Chancellor, Manipur University, Dr. R.K. Nimai, Retd. IAS and Editor-in-Chief, the ne-Scholar Magazine and Dr, Makholmani Mongsaba, Sahitya Academy Awardee and Associate Prof., Department of Manipuri, Manipur University of Culture had been the Chief Guest, the President and the Guest of Honour and the speakers in the technical session chaired by Dr. H. Shukhdeba Sharma, Deptt. of Social Works, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University and Co-chaired by Dr. Ng. Jasantakumar, Head, Department of Political Science, Pole Star College, were A.K. Sheram, President, Bangladesh Manipuri Sahitya Sangsad; I. Biramangol Singha General Secretary, Manipiri Sahitya Parishad, Tripura; Laishram Tarani Kanta Singha, IIS Retd., Former Joint Director, PIB, Guwahati and Dr. Chinglen Maisnam, Department of Economics, Manipur University, Dr. O.Ranjit, Associate Professor, Department of History, Manipur University delivered welcome address of the seminar.
In the Key-note speech given by S. Bhubol, Secretary, All Manipur Columnists’ Union highlighted the roles played by Jananeta Irabot in the amelioration of diaspora status and socio-economic and cultural relations among Manipuris settling inside and outside the state of Manipur.History of Manipuri diaspora history had begun as outcome of the early transnational trading and matrinomy, and then feuds, coercion and conflicts prevailed in the 17th and 18th Century between the kingdom of Manipur andthe Konbaung Dynasty of Burmaas massive population migration happened mainly during 1757-1758 and 1819 – 1826thereby resulted Manipuri settlements in Bangladesh, Cachar, Tripura and Burma. Irabot had his early contact with the Manipuris living outside the state as he went to Dacca in 1913 for further study at his age of 17 and he had also been in Tripura in 1915.He had been in Burma and Barak Valley several and prolonged times during period from the establishment of Nikhil Hindu Manipuri Mahasabha the first session of which was held on the 30th May, 1934 to its renamed as Nikhil Manipuri Mahasabha on the 4th Session held on the 30th December, 1938 and the Mahasabha’s yearly sessions recommended resolutions and acted accordingly related activities for Manipuri diaspora movement which is, though highly valuable in safeguarding Manipuri identity, seemed unnoticed in present days and ought to be unfailingly followed on for right futurity of Manipiris, he added.
A.K. Sheram stated that records provided by the Pogos School, Dacca indicates Irabot’s left the Johnstone School, Imphal on the 17th June, 1913 and admitted to the Pugos school, Dacca on the 27th June, 1913 in class VI.He added that Irabot was well versed in Bangali language and heeven wrote and played drama in Dacca and above that he mobilised the Manipuris living there to unite and work to develop Manipuri culture, religion and language and beyond that he was also loved and respected by the Bengali people of the place as he shared their sorrows and happiness too. L. Biramangol Singha said that Jananeta Irabot visited to all villages of Tripura where the Manipuris settled and worked for uplift of their socio-economic conditions. Laishram Tarani Kanta Singha referred to many documents that supported Lamyanba Irabot on his wholeheartedly working for development of the Manipuris living outside Manipur. Dr. Chinglen Maisnam stating the data of population of present Manipuri diaspora pointed out that the social and economic conditions of the Manipuris living outside are still not much improved and Irabot’s vibrant vision for diaspora uplift is yet to be fully taken up and the present generation needs working seriously.
Prof. N. Lokendra, Vice- Chancellor, Manipur University in his speech of the Chief Guest appreciated the speakers for relating the facts about Lamyanba Hijam Irabot that are not found in available books and magazines and agreeing to the fact that Irabot did a lot for safeguarding the identity of Manipuri diaspora and the same is to be brought in frontstage for ensuring protection and development of Manipuri diaspora to promote Manipuri identity. Dr. Makholmani Mongsaba by giving his speech of Guest of Honour strongly lauded that Irabot was great leader and an icon for Manipuris but these days there seems having none following his principle.
Only when the Manipuris of present era particularly the political leaders do strictly follow the works of Lanyanba Irabot, Manipuris inside and outside Manipur can have true developments and to fulfil Irabot’s far sighted vision. Dr. R.K. Nimai in his presidential speech appraised the organising bodies and the speakers of the seminar for having picked and propounded the issues of Manipuri diaspora in connection with the roles played by Jannaneta Hijam Irabot and saying that the issue is not significantly staged in the public domain. But scholarly revisiting the life and work of Irabot is needed as to resolving the existing suspicious and varies opinionated areas about Irabot. One time observance and yearly discussion cannotpopularise the issue and act as movement in continuity can win the benign objective and the time is now to promulgate the Jananeta Irabot’s precious works done on Manipuri diaspora, he added. With the propose of vote of thanks by K.B. Ingaremba, Vice- President, All Manipur Columnists’ Union, the one-day International Conference on Jannaneta Hijam Irabot was concluded successfully.

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