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Condemnation continues to pour in

by Konthoujam Gita
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Condemnation to the brutal killing of two students by suspected Kuki militants continue to pour in, after the photos of the two students captured and murdered went viral.
MLA of Naoriya Pakhanglakpa Assembly Constituency Soraisam Kebi who is also the Chairperson of Manipur State Women Development Corporation Limited, condemned the brutal killing of the two students after being tortured by Kuki militants. In a press release, Kebi expressed concern over the loss of innocent lives, injuries, and displacement caused by the ongoing conflict. She urged the people not to be swayed by the cowardly actions of the Kuki militants, emphasizing that Manipur’s territorial integrity, passed down by our ancestors, cannot be distorted. Kebi highlighted that the Kuki narco-terrorists, who have been living as refugees, seem unaware of Manipur’s 2000-year history. She attributed their cruelty to their upbringing in the wilderness, devoid of maternal love and a proper home, which leads them to show no pity or sympathy while taking another person’s life. Kebi appealed to the Manipur Police to exercise restraint when dealing with protesters and students demonstrating against the killing of the two students, to treat them as their own siblings. Furthermore, she assured that the government would make every effort to apprehend the culprits responsible for the students’ deaths and expressed solidarity with the grieving family.
At a press conference held at the Manipur Press Club, Nimaichand Luwang, representing ten opposition political parties, strongly denounced the inhumane and brutal killing of the two innocent students by Kuki narco-terrorists. Nimaichand Luwang expressed solidarity with the family members mourning the loss. He criticized the state government’s response to the students’ protests, which involved the use of tear gas and mock bombs, resulting in injuries to several students. Nimaichand Luwang deemed this response unnecessary and condemned it. Furthermore, he attributed the ongoing conflict in Manipur to the BJP Government, stating that the BJP had failed to resolve a conflict that could have been resolved within a day or two. Luwang highlighted the government’s inaction when arson broke out in Churachandpur on May 3, criticizing their failure to deploy sufficient security forces to address the situation. He argued that this failure was the root cause of the current lawlessness and lack of administration in Manipur. Luwang pointed out that Prime Minister Narendra Modi remained silent on the ongoing conflict for many days, only breaking his silence after a controversial video of a naked parade surfaced. While everyone, including the Chief Minister and civil society organizations, condemned the incident and even the homes of the perpetrators were burned down, Luwang expressed disappointment that neither the Prime Minister nor the Chief Minister had spoken out against the brutal killing of the two students, considering it a grave oversight.

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