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COCOMI to hold rally to safeguard integrity of Manipur

by Konthoujam Gita
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COCOMI to hold rally to safeguard integrity of Manipur

IT News
Imphal, June 26:

The Coordination Committee on Manipur Integrity (COCOMI) is organizing a rally with the theme of safeguarding the territorial and administrative integrity of Manipur on June 28.
According to COCOMI, Manipur is experiencing a prolonged crisis with violence persisting for over a year and two months. Protests are widespread, reflecting the public’s dissatisfaction with both state and central government policies. COCOMI has accused the Indian and Manipur governments of deceiving the people.
In response, COCOMI is organizing a rally on June 28 with the theme “Safeguarding Manipur” or “Manipur Kanba Khongchat.” The rally is scheduled to start at 9 am from Thangmeiband’s Thao Ground and will proceed to Khuman Lampak Main Stadium. COCOMI has invited all indigenous communities in Manipur to participate in the rally to protect the territorial integrity of the state. Participants will include political party members, elected MLAs and ministers, bureaucrats, civil society organizations, club organizations, Meira Paibi organizations, mother’s organizations, and student organizations.
COCOMI has emphasized that the Indian government must recognize the people of Manipur as citizens to resolve the conflict. They also called for the abrogation of the Suspension of Operations (SoO) agreement with Chin-Kuki Narco-Terrorists, who are demanding a separate country in Myanmar and Bangladesh. COCOMI criticized the Indian government for undermining the authority of the Manipur Chief Minister and taking control of Manipur’s law and order, alleging it is a strategy to prolong violence for geopolitical interests.
The rally’s slogans will express the people’s determination to safeguard Manipur’s integrity and reject oppressive measures by the Indian government. They will call for an end to narco-terrorism and the expulsion of narco-terrorists from Manipur. Additionally, the slogans will demand the termination of the SoO agreement with narco-terrorists, the implementation of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) to protect Manipur’s land, and decisive actions to end the ongoing chaos.

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