Home » COCOMI condemns attack on Manipur CM’s convoy by Kuki Narco-Terrorists

COCOMI condemns attack on Manipur CM’s convoy by Kuki Narco-Terrorists

by Jeet Akoijam
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COCOMI condemns attack on Manipur CM’s convoy by Kuki Narco-Terrorists

IT News
Imphal, June 11:

The Coordination Committee on Manipur Integrity (COCOMI) has issued a stern condemnation following the recent ambush on the advance security convoy of Manipur Chief Minister by armed Kuki groups near Kotlen on June 10, 2024. The attack resulted in two security personnel sustaining serious injuries, marking it as a blatant act of terrorism, as declared by COCOMI.
Since the initial attacks on Meitei civilians in May 2023, COCOMI asserts a deliberate attempt by Kuki propagandists to portray the violence as communal, while in reality, it represents strategic aggression by Kuki narco-terrorists.
The press release was delivered by COCOMI’s Media Coordinator, Y. Surjitkumar Khuman, today highlighting the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for decisive action to ensure the safety and security of Manipur’s populace.
Expressing grave concerns over the passive stance of central security forces amid such attacks, COCOMI suggests an implicit support for Kuki groups by the Indian state. They demand immediate action from the Indian government to thoroughly investigate alleged collaborations between Indian security forces and Kuki terrorist groups.
Additionally, COCOMI accuses the central government of facilitating the occupation of Meitei villages by Kuki groups through demographic reshuffling under the pretext of protection. Urging indigenous Manipuri people to recognize and confront such policies, COCOMI expresses a loss of faith in the Indian government’s commitment to protecting Manipur’s indigenous people.
In light of these developments, COCOMI calls upon citizens to prepare for forthcoming challenges and to assertively confront Kuki terrorist organizations.

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