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COCOMI blames Government negligence for flood destruction

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COCOMI blames Government negligence for flood destruction

IT News
Imphal, May 30:

The Coordination Committee on Manipur Integrity (COCOMI) has issued a statement attributing the recent devastating floods in the region to the negligence of responsible government departments.
Yumkhaibam Surjitkumar Khuman, the Media Coordinator for COCOMI, highlighted the dire situation caused by heavy rainfall on May 28, 2024. Numerous houses have been damaged, and a significant amount of property has been destroyed due to flooding, leaving innocent people in immense suffering.
In a press release, Surjitkumar Khuman, has emphasized the urgent need for both the central and state governments to provide necessary aid to mitigate the impact of this natural disaster. He stressed that the flash flood and subsequent devastation were direct consequences of the lack of effort by responsible government departments. The absence of proper drainage systems exacerbated the situation, leading to widespread destruction.
He has called for the immediate deployment of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) to assist in rescue operations and urged authorities to prioritize the rescue of those trapped by the floods. Additionally, he has emphasized the importance of opening proper relief camps to accommodate those affected by the flood.
In response to the crisis, he has urged civic organizations and civil society groups to come together and provide support at this critical juncture. He emphasized the need for solidarity and collaborative efforts to address the challenges posed by the flood and provide assistance to those in need.

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