CM condemns, Ram Madhav assures actions

Imphal, May 8: Chief Minister N. Biren today vehemently condemn the attacked to the SF at Lokchao. In his Facebook page, the Chief Minister wrote, “I strongly condemn the cowardly act of ambushing a convoy of 165 TA B.Coy at Lokchao where 3 jawans are injured and condole the death of a jawan in the IED blast”.
National General Secretary of BJP, Ram Madhav, who is presently in Imphal, while taking the incident with extra seriousness said that tough action will be initiated against those responsible in the attack. In an interview with the ANI, the BJP leader said that the attacks are being architected by groups which are not in the region. He said that the government will investigate today’s incident and tough action will be initiated to those involved in the incident.
“We take serious note of today’s incident, it has become a pattern, every year there are few attacks, on our security forces in Manipur these are being largely architected by groups which are not in this region, They uphold objectivity to continue strife in the region. We will investigate on who is behind in today’s incidents and tough action will be taken up against the perpetrators”, Ram Madhav said.
On being asked whether there are security lapses or not, Ram Madhav said that there is adequate security arrangement even though such attack happens sometime. He further added that what is important is to find out who are behind the attack. The BJP General Secretary also said that the government is also working out to find a long term solution of the Underground problem.

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