Chief Minister meets keyboard warriors; frames regulations for group admin of Social networking site

IT News

Imphal, Nov 2

Understanding the impact of various social networking sites which keep in touch among numbers of users in sharing their ideas, Chief Minister N. Biren Singh today convene a meeting with almost all social media users particularly those administering group – open or close at Facebook and Whatsapp.  

“Social networking site like Facebook , Twitter, Instagram and Messaging app Whatsapp is taking an important role in transforming the society. It is you the future of the state who utilised the social networking site judiciously and for the welfare of the state that keeps Manipur heading towards prosperity”, Chief Minister N. Biren Singh said while interacting the keyboard warriors.

What to upload and what not to upload depends on the wisdom of the users but if a post uploaded and share openly at any groups or newsfeed in Facebook that might spewed venom to a community or an individual than the person responsible are liable for punishment under various sections of the IT Acts, Officer in Charge of the Cyber Crime department of the Manipur Police, John said while talking on the occasion. He cautioned administrator of any group in either Whatsapp or Facebook of facing serious criminal offences if derogatory comments are found posted in their group.

“If any admin found derogatory or seditious words being uploaded in their group, it should be taken out”, Cyber crime Police OC said. He also appealed the keyboard warriors to block all suspicious users which they feel is faked.

Interestingly a module to check running of a Whatsapp or Facebook has been suggested to register with nominal fee. 

The Cyber crime department also issued a series of dos and don’ts to the users.

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