Home » Chandel Business Associations demand local appointment as DFO

Chandel Business Associations demand local appointment as DFO

by Jeet Akoijam
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Chandel Business Associations demand local appointment as DFO

IT News
Imphal, Mar 22:

Chandel’s Sulam Business Association (SBA) and Unique Business Association (UBA) have issued a joint statement warning of protests, including blockades if the government does not rescind the appointment of a non-local as the Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) for Chandel district.
In a press release issued jointly by the Sulam Business Association (SBA) and Unique Business Association (UBA) of Chandel district, it was declared that any non-local appointment as the Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) for Chandel would not be tolerated. The associations have urged the government to cancel the transfer order of the non-local officer and appoint a local officer who is familiar with the district’s geography, culture, and language.
The demand for a local officer was initially made a month ago, on February 19, 2024, when the two associations submitted an appeal to the concerned authorities. They emphasized the importance of having a DFO who understands the issues faced by the local villagers, especially considering Chandel’s significant forest area, which is the second largest among the 16 districts in the state.
Highlighting the district’s socio-economic context, characterized by poverty and low literacy rates, the associations stressed the need for a DFO who can effectively address the challenges of forest management and wildlife conservation. They argued that only a local officer could comprehend the nuances of the district’s situation and work towards its overall development in line with other districts.
The joint press release underscored the associations’ determination to resist any attempt to appoint a non-local as the DFO. They warned of escalating protests, including bandhs and blockades, in collaboration with local NGOs, village authorities, women’s organizations, and the general public if their demands are not met.
The Sulam Business Association and Unique Business Association’s stance reflects the broader sentiment in Chandel district, where there is a strong desire for local representation in key administrative positions to ensure effective governance and sustainable development.

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