Body builders donate blood

Thoubal, May 12: Royal Fitness Academy Gym (RFA) in association with Blood Bank Transfusion Unit , District Hospital Thoubal organised a one-day blood donation camp at Thoubal Wangamataba Sorok Makha Community Hall today.
 Founder of the gym Ak Lashami and World championship bronze medalist Th Sarita were among three women and 35male body builders who donated their blood on the occasion. The doctors at the camp gave awareness classes on the importance of blood donation and necessary precautionary measures to be taken up at that time.
Specialist of transfusion medicine at Thoubal District Hospital Dr L Robindro stated that it was a matter of great pride that the body builders of the gym came up with the plan of organizing such a camp. There is no harm in athletes donating their blood, the replacement for the volume of blood donated will be completed in120 days, and giving away blood instead of adversely affecting the body can be beneficial, he said.
 Lashami said the core idea of organizing the camp is to spread awareness among the public that blood donation is not harmful and also to extend possible help to those people needing blood transfusion.

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