BJP organizes rally in support of CAA; Chief Minister N. Biren says – question of discussing CAA in Manipur does not arise

IT News

Imphal, Dec 28

BJP Manipur Pradesh today organised a mass rally cum public meeting to show their support to the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) 2019 at Basu Ground in Thoubal district today afternoon. Large turnout of BJP workers from Thoubal district including Meitei Pangal were seen joining the pro CAA rally. However, placards thanking the central government for introduction of the Inner Line Permit, which exempted the state of Manipur from CAA were seen carried by the BJP workers.

Chief Minister of Manipur while speaking on the matter said that his government is all set to introduce the Inner Line Permit System under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation here in the state of Manipur and for that he will be holding a final sitting with his cabinet and other related officers tomorrow.

Regarding the CAA, the Chief Minister said, “What is the need for discussing CAA for the state of Manipur? We are working hard for the formal implementation of ILP.”

He however said that the people of India should be the one that decide on who should be allowed to enter the country. Will the decision on whom to allow be given to Pakistan, USA or any other country? The Chief Minister questioned justifying the BJP led government stand on CAA.   

“We should appreciate the visionary leaders of the BJP – PM Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath and Tourism Minister Ram Madhav, for giving us hope for protecting the state and its integrity”, Biren said adding that in his life he had never come across any leader who are so concerned about the state of Manipur other than Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.

Pointing figure to those who are against in the state of Manipur, the Chief Minister asked, “Do they know what CAA is? Let’s debate? I will surrender if the act violates the Article 14 because Article 14 says equal treatment to all religions. Is there anything that says that some persons belonging to specific religion will be driven out?  There are some leftist people in Manipur too who speak anything they like to create chaos in the state.”

“It is only the PM Narendra Modi and HM Amit Shah that can assure the integrity of Manipur”, Biren said. 

Taking a dig to the Congress party Biren called on the people to recall on the condition of the state  three years from now. Many had been killed in fake encounter, people cannot come out from home during night, he added. 

PWD Minister Th. Bishwajit while speaking on the occasion said that people should know that which political party had ruined the state of Manipur.

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1 comment

raj December 28, 2019 - 4:33 pm
Nationalism and sense of pride in being Hindu which along with Pakistan-centric campaign, J and K, congress, new and prosperous era (acche din), ram temple were the main agenda which arouse the sentiments and helped in swinging votes and return to power ultimately plus vision of India for Hindu country. CAB is by far the feather in cap of that movement, a revolution to swing the tide of votes finally in next election, plus NRC to delegitimize large chunks of population in votebank politics to favor one party. After absorbing all those so-called minorities in other country into India, what's next?? To ask Pakistan (which was formed on relgious line as a Muslim country) to take back your Muslim brothers and sister as we have absorbed all Hindu in our fold and granted citizenship of this country.which according to a senior cabinet minister partition opined CAB would not have been necessary if the Congress did not agree to Partition on the basis of religion. What does it mean??.citizens of India can reside in any part of the country according to constitution, plus a person who is staying in rented house can enroll in electoral roll of that constituencies approved by landlord and what is this about?? Once he or she got enrolled, can ILP system hold valid any longer under such circumstances?? Curious questions in mind of common masses and many more and if special privileges enjoyed by J and K can be snatched away, what is this ILP in front of article 370, nothing. Now one can settle and buy properties in J and K. More important is how to reduce price of essential commodities which is poking hole on pockets of common men and not some UNIFORM CIVIL CODE OR HINDU RASHTRA.
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