BJP excels in creating history: Congress

BJP excels in creating history: Congress

In a pointed critique, Hareshwar Goswami, Vice-President of Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee, took aim at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), asserting that the party excels at creating new histories in Manipur. Speaking at a press conference held at Congress Bhawan in Imphal, Goswami highlighted various incidents stemming from what he deemed as the BJP government’s failure in managing the law and order situation in Manipur.
During the press conference, Goswami articulated his perspective on several points, emphasizing instances where he believes the BJP has made historical missteps. “First of all, in the history of the world, the women of Manipur fasting on the occasion of Ningol Chakkouba festival happened during this BJP government,” he stated, underscoring what he sees as a noteworthy event resulting from the BJP’s governance.
The Congress leader continued to levy sharp criticisms against the government, enumerating a series of alleged historical anomalies during the BJP’s rule in Manipur. “Secondly, a dark night on the day of the festival of light, Diwali – a first in Manipur’s history. Thirdly, Meitie can’t go to the hill district. Fourthly, security forces are used in cultivating and harvesting crops. Fifthly, Meitei live as refugees in their own land. We can see it during the BJP rule in Manipur,” he asserted, painting a grim picture of the consequences of the BJP’s governance.
Maintaining his critique, Goswami emphasized further grievances, stating, “Sixthly, more than 60,000 people have lost their homes and are unable to return. Seventhly, when narco terrorists attack Manipur from the outside, the mighty army and the security forces of India are unable to control it. The Indian Army is ranked fourth in the entire world, but it can’t control the attack and save people. Eighthly, banning of the internet for over six months. Ninthly, when separatists attack people in the valley, civilians are protected, even when there are Manipur Police and Indian Army.”
Continuing his critique, Goswami raised additional concerns about the government’s actions in Manipur. “Tenthly, a government that is unable to locate Meitei bodies even after arresting the killers. Eleventhly, creating a buffer zone to separate hill and valley areas is unprecedented. Twelfthly, an assembly session lasting only nine minutes has never happened before. Thirteenthly, Central Board of Secondary Education affiliation was given to the school without the knowledge of the state government.”
Expressing his dismay, Goswami remarked, “When the people are crying and filled with pain and sorrow, a person has the courage to boast and say boastful words. Such shameless people have never been born in the world. He kept everything cloudy. Minds of people of Manipur are kept diverted in many instances, covering one issue with another, keeping the people’s understanding cloudy.”

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