Home » Bimol Akoijam takes oath in Meiteilon, Says “Long Live Mother Manipur”; Alfred Arthur asserts “Bring Justice, Save the Country,” at Parliament as MPs

Bimol Akoijam takes oath in Meiteilon, Says “Long Live Mother Manipur”; Alfred Arthur asserts “Bring Justice, Save the Country,” at Parliament as MPs

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Bimol Akoijam takes oath in Meiteilon, Says “Long Live Mother Manipur”; Alfred Arthur asserts “Bring Justice, Save the Country,” at Parliament as MPs

IT News
Imphal, June 25:

Manipur MPs took the oath as Lok Sabha members, with INDIA alliance members raising slogans of “Justice for Manipur” in the first 18th Lok Sabha session, which began yesterday. Angomcha Bimol Akoijam, representing the Inner Manipur constituency, and Alfred K. Arthur, representing the Outer Manipur constituency, were sworn in as Lok Sabha MPs today.
While both MPs from Manipur took their oaths, the chants “Manipur, Manipur” and “Justice for Manipur” echoed across the floor of Parliament.
Angomcha Bimol Akoijam from the Inner Manipur constituency took the oath. During his oath-taking, members of the INDIA alliance also raised slogans of “Manipur… Manipur…” and “Justice for Manipur…” Prof. Angomcha Bimol Akoijam took his oath in Meiteilon, saying that he will put faith in and adhere to the laws of the country. He ended by raising the slogan, “Jai Hind, long live our motherland, long live mother Manipur.”
Members of the INDIA alliance continued raising slogans of “Manipur… Manipur…” and “Justice for Manipur” when Alfred Kangam Arthur was called to take the oath. Wearing a Tangkhul shawl, he took his oath in English to adhere to the Constitution of this country and ended the oath by saying, “bring justice, save the country” in Hindi.
Both MPs of Congress won by large margins in the recently held LS election, defeating the BJP in the Inner parliamentary constituency and their ally, the Naga People’s Front, in the Outer parliamentary constituency.

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