AR apprehend Cadres of PREPAK (VC) and UNLF

IGAR (South)
IT News Jan 13

Troops of Assam Rifles under the aegis of IGAR (South) along with Manipur Police apprehended three cadres of proscribed groups in three separate operations on 09th January.
Based on intelligence inputs, joint teams of Assam Rifles and Imphal West Commandos apprehended two cadres of PREPAK (VC) and one cadre of UNLF from Imphal West and Thoubal districts respectively. The two PREPAK (VC) cadres have been identified as SS Private Hijam Abe @ Icha Leima and SS Lance Corporal S Tombi Singh. The cadre belonging to UNLF has been identified as SS Private Ningthoujam Shambi Singh @ Itocha.
All apprehended individuals have been handed over to the Police  for further investigation.

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