Anti-CAA protest in Yairipok: Police stopped the protesters

IT News
Imphal, Jan 21

The concerned citizens of Manipur came together to again stage another Anti-CAA protest while silence prevailed in the whole of Manipur. They gathered at the ground of Laimanai Multipurpose Hall, Yairipok, and met up with the locals. From there, the concerned citizens along with various artists started performing the protest song ‘Hougatlo Hougatlo’ they composed to make people wake up and stand up against the Citizenship Amendment Act. Joined by the locals, the group proceeded singing songs like ‘We shall overcome’, chanting ‘No to CAA’, ‘Down Down CAA’, and holding placards that read ‘No to Settler Colonialism, No to CAA’, ‘Long Live Indigenous People of Northeast, and with banners reading ‘Meeyancha gi Khundalam Natte, Yelhoumee gi Leibakni’, and ‘Respect Indigenous Existence or Expect Indigenous Resistance’. They also showed solidarity to the indigenous people of Assam and Tripura, holding placards that read ‘Assam-Tripura gi yelhoumee na yaifare’ and ‘Release Akhil Gogoi’. However, a large number of police personnel stopped them on the way from moving forward. After negotiating for a while, the protesters had to turn and march in another direction. 

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