AIFUCTO demands deferment of implementation of NEP and an inclusive National Vaccine Policy

IT News
Imphal, May 18:

The  National Executive Committee(NEC) of  All India Federation of University and College Teachers’ Organizations( AIFUCTO)  was held  in virtual mode on May 16.The meeting  was  held  amidst  crisis  of  deep  magnitude unprecedented in  the  memory of  living  generations of Indians consequent upon  disastrous  consequences of  second  wave of  Corona. During the virtual meeting the AIFUCT0 expressed  its  serious  concern on  the unpardonable  governance mismanagement of  Covid  situation  resulting in  large  scale casualties, untold  misery and  suffering of  the  common  people of India. Corona  has  not  only  robbed people  from  their  kith and  keen but  also  provided  a serious  jolt to their  confidence. AIFUCTO  appealed  to all the people of India  to  have  more  lively  interaction  among  themselves  and to  keep their  moral high  to  tide  over the  present  crisis and demanded  an inclusive National  Vaccine Policy  after  due  consultation with the all stake holders including the state governments. The AIFUCTO also  demanded  vaccination of  all teachers, employees and students of institutions of  academic  learning from KG to  PG on priority  basis among others.
On the other hand, the AIFUCTO  condemn  the  undemocratic and  arrogant attitude of the central government to  push  through the  sectarian, retrograde  and  exclusionary  Education  Policy  through the  back  door  taking  the  shameless  advantage of  Corona  situation.
AIFUCTO  opposed the  NEP  unless  through  a democratic dialogue  to  reach  a point of  national  consensus. AIFUCTO  demands  deferment of  implementation of NEP  atleast for  one  academic  situation  and  utilize the  period  to  have  discussion with  all the  stake holders including AIFUCTO. AIFUCTO  executive  condemned  the  proposed  action  of  closing  down  more than  three  hundred  affiliated aided  colleges in Andhra Pradesh  and  facilitates the entry of  market  forces in a  big way to  destroy the  public funded education  system.

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