After detaining 6 years and 6 months in Assam Jail, 7 Rohingyas were deported to Myanmar today

IT News

Imphal, Oct 4,

The 7 Rohingyas who were detained for  6 years and 6 months at Assam jail were deported to Myanmar, by Assam and Moreh police at Indo- Myanmar friendship gate No. 2. The 7 Rohingyas were handed over to the Myanmarese authority at around 1 pm by the Indian authority as per the order of Deputy Secretary Assam Political (B) Department.

Assistant Commandant 6th AP Bn. , SDPO of Moreh Police IPS Shandeep Gopal Das , Officer In charge of  Moreh Police Letkhohao Vaiphei , Officer In-charge Immigration Moreh Md. Tajjudin  were present from Indian side during the handing of the 7 Rohingya . From Myanmar side SP of Tamu police U Mg Mg Taw , Deputy Director of Immigration of Tamu Mr. Aung Myo and Immigration Officer of Tamu Mr. Maung Maung Tar were  present during the deportation .

The deportation took place after completion of paper works by both Immigration Officers of India and Myanmar. Deputy Director of Immigration of Tamu Myanmar Mr. Aung Myo said the 7 Rohingyas will be safely sent till Monou Northeastern Valley of Myanmar after Monou the responsibility will be their own. After finishing the paper work there were also photo session with immigrations of both the countries Along with 7 Rohingyas .


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