ADC member leads villagers in cleaning road

IT News

Imphal, Oct 9

10 Kms long inter village road which is the shortest route to reach Chakpikarong from Chandel district head quarter, that connects Peru village to Toupokpi village was today cleaned by villagers and club members of Kanankhu Youth Club led by ADC Member, Ts.Williamson Anal.

The road was constructed under PMGSY.

The road stretch does not come under the jurisdiction of ADC Member, Ts.Williamson Anal. However as the road side is filled up with bushes and branches of plants which may lead to accident to the people who are passing daily, the ADC member spear headed a cleanliness drive.

Ts.Williamson Anal said that the road has many pot holes which is also a danger to the people passing it. He appealed the concerned authority to look into the matter. The social service was also attended by Social Worker Beton Anal.

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