Home » A revolution in healthcare has taken place in Inner Manipur: RK Ranjan

A revolution in healthcare has taken place in Inner Manipur: RK Ranjan

by Guru Aribam Naocha
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A revolution in healthcare has taken place in Inner Manipur: RK Ranjan

IT News
Imphal, Feb 9:

The Office of Minister of State for Education & External Affairs (RRS) has released a statement today regarding the healthcare revolution in Inner Manipur. The statement highlights a recent study by India Policy Insights (IPI), conducted in collaboration with Harvard’s Geographic Insights Lab at the Centre for Population and Development Studies, the Centre for Geographic Analysis, NITI Aayog, and the International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS). Drawing upon data from the National Family Health Survey, the study illuminates significant health developments across India between 2016 and 2021, showcasing strides made in public health under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government.
The statement underscores the pivotal role played by Dr. Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, Union Minister of State for Education and External Affairs, and Member of Parliament for Inner Manipur, in fostering advancements within his constituency. Inner Manipur has demonstrated remarkable progress, surpassing national and state averages in 45 of 86 health indicators.
Highlighting key areas of improvement, the statement notes substantial enhancements in essential health domains such as access to clean water, issuance of mother and child protection cards, adoption of clean cooking fuel, contraceptive methods, healthcare for children with diarrhoea, birth registration, reduction in unmet healthcare needs, decreased alcohol and tobacco consumption among men, improved sanitation facilities, enhanced diets for young children, extended iron and folic acid supplementation, increased in-facility births, and broader health insurance coverage. These areas have been focal points of the Modi administration, which has introduced impactful health schemes including Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY), PM Ujwala Yojana, Swachh Bharat Mission, National Digital Health Mission, Intensified Mission Indradhanush, Weekly Iron and Folic Acid supplementation, and Jal Jeevan Mission.
Moreover, the statement highlights the Minister’s proactive approach in addressing areas that require improvement, such as early breastfeeding, obesity rates among women, discussions on contraceptive side effects, and the rate of Caesarean sections in public sectors, with the aim to refine and advance these health measures.
As India embarks on its ambitious journey toward Viksit Bharat by 2047, the statement reiterates the government’s commitment, guided by Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji’s visionary leadership, to revolutionize the country’s public health system and service delivery, ensuring a healthier future for its citizens.

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