A book named “Environmental Sustainability” released at NRC Library Hall

IT News
Imphal, April 2:

A book entitled “Environmental Sustainability” edited jointly by Dr. Ch. Memtombi Chanu, Dr. Elangbam Gopal Singh and Dr. Ngangom Jasantakumar Singh, was released by Prof. N. Rajmuhon Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Dhanamanjuri University in a function organised by the National Research Centre (NRC), Manipur at the NRC’s Library Hall at Canchipur near Manipur University Main Gate on Saturday.
Prof. N. Mohilal Meitei, former Dean of Students’ Welfare and former Head of the Department of Zoology, Manipur University and Thongam Ajit Singh, President, NRC attended the function as the Guest of Honour and the President and Dr. Ksh. Birla Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Manipur University joined the dignitaries on the dais as book reviewer.
Prof N. Rajmuhon giving his speech cited the chronology of post industrial revolution catastrophes and misused of scientific knowledge and achievements that all are haphazardly increasing emission of Carbon-dioxide, Chlorofluorocarbon, ozone, methane and fossil fuels etc. into the air or environment that are finally resulting to much talked about climate change, global warming, greenhouse effect and non-renewable resources etc.
He reiterated the most concern of the environmentalists of the world that if the present global temperature is increased by 2 degree centigrade, no living being can be survived on this planet earth and so everyone has responsibility to maintain the originality of the environment to control the global temperature.
“Sustainable development goals that includes wetlands conservation, afforestation, control of toxic dumps and protection of traditional knowledge system etc. are to be realized to conserve both the earth and the lives on it”, Prof N. Rajmuhon added. He further said that the newly released book can be a reference book to researchers along the world’s initiating tripolar venture of education-research-innovation in all development approaches.
Professor N. Mohilal Meitei prophesied on the alarming situations of the environmental hosts as the number of their parasites are dyeing fast stating the fact that loosing of parasites is indication of warning to the sustenance of the host(s) which are being exemplified by the extincted and endangered species of flora and fauna are manifesting losing of forests and wetlands, and dreadfully increasing in non-renewable resources that shall finally disturb human existence with scarcity of all essentials of existentialism.
“Since deforestation shall not only affect the valley people but also shall be unfailingly impacting upon the hill people with irreparable loses, it is time to endorse into preventive activities unitedly by both the high and the lowlanders of Manipur in conserving forests, environment and biodiversity of the state”, Mohilal said and congratulated the editors of the new volume focusing on welfare ecology and having varied aspects of environment and ecology shared by diligent researchers.
Dr. Ksh. Birla Singh reviewed the book concisely and highlighted the valuable tips contained in most articles having total of eighteen numbers. He said that the contents are amplifying multidimensional areas of studies mostly inscribing into microscopic approaches of specific areas in respects of environmental and ecological chemistry, toxicology, hydro-geology, flora and fauna etc. and also the high pointed of some articles pivoting the anthropogenic activities and human interference on environment that fanning the flames to climate change and environmental pollution etc. Interestingly many articles are associated with means for mitigation to the undesired status of environment, ecology and biodiversity that the studiesfinds out.
Thongam Ajit president of the book release programme thanked the editors of the book on Environmental Sustainability and the Pole Star College which hosted a national seminar on it to materialize it and finally for giving the NRC to release the book. As for all players of biodiversity including human being will be nowhere at all if the health of environment is not sustained and so NRC is always ready to extend cooperation and encouraging at best capacity in such academic endeavoring that might helpful in streamlining societal values and discourses.
Some CSO representatives, academicians including contributors of the articles in the book, students and faculty members some other institutions attended the book release function.

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