3 killed and 5 AR personnel injured in deadly ambush by rebel groups; MNPF, PLA and ULFA-I claims the attack

IT News

Imphal, July 30:

At least three personnel of the Assam Rifles were killed while 5 sustained critical injury after armed rebel group ambush a convoy of the 4th Assam Rifle near Indo-Myanmar border in Manipur’s Chandel district yesterday evening.

A joined statement by Manipur Naga People’s Front (MNPF), Revolutionary People’s Front (RPF) and United Liberation Front of Asom – Independent (ULFA-I) has claimed responsibility of the attack.

Report reaching here said that a group of heavily armed rebel groups ambushed the convoy of 4th Assam Rifles when they were on routine duty at Sajik Tampak under Chakpikarong Police station at around 6 pm yesterday by attacking with IED using remote control devices. Three IEDs were reportedly exploded killing 3 Assam Rifles personnel identified as Havildar Pranay Kalita, Rifleman YM Konyak and Rifleman Ratan Salam. Source said that after the rebel exploded the IEDs several gun shots were fired upon them using automatic rifles and lethod gun. The AR convoys were reportedly returning to their base camp when the armed rebel group ambushes them. 5 more AR personnel sustain critical injury after they were hit by the splinters of the blast as well as bullet fired upon them.

Those Assam Rifles personnel injured in the attack have been identified as Nguikhotil Haokip (54 yrs), Sikander Singh , Anish Kumar Singh (27 yrs), Niyul Sarah (39 yrs) and Sandeep Kumar (35 yrs).

Meanwhile a joint statement of MNPF, RPF and ULFA[I] has stated that the attack was carried out as a course of independence struggle against Indian colonisation and expansionism.

The statement signed by Ruichumhao, Defence Secretary, MNPF, MM Ngouba , Chief of Army , PLA and Poresh Asom, Vice Chairman and Chief of Army Staff , ULFA (I) said that the Indian expansionism continues even as “the era of expansionism is over” internationally.

“As the entire world has made up its mind against expansionism, the people of WESEA are also countering against the expansionism of India. Therefore, the peoples of WeSEA are still fighting against colonial ruler India for our independence.”, the statement said and added that as a course of independence struggle against Indian colonisation and expansionism, a combined force of Manipur Naga People’s Front (MNPF), Revolutionary People’s Front (RPF) and United Liberation Front of Asom – Independent (ULFA-I) had conducted a joint military offensive against IOF (Indian Occupation Forces) on July 29, 2020 at Sajik Tampak area of Manipur. During this joint  military offensive around 4 IOF personnel were killed in action and many more wounded.

The three rebel bodies statement also expressed regret to the fatalities injuring of the brother of WeSEA in the offensive action.

“ We know that joining the Indian Occupation Force is not right because roguish India makes enmity among our brothers. Therefore, we would like to ask our brothers and sisters of WeSEA to please withdraw from the Indian forces and instead fight against the roguish India for our independence.  We are also calling upon the people of WeSEA to stay away from the Indian Forces that they  are the super spreader of infectious Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)”, the statement said.

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