2 more COVID-19 patient died; Total fatal case reaches 3 in Manipur

IT News

Imphal, July 30:

Two more COVID-19 positive patients died today adding the number of fatalities due to COVID-19 pandemic to three. One among the two COVID-19 positive patients who died today was an in house patient while the other died at while providing treatment at RIMS emergency ward. His report of COVID-19 was known after being tested.  However, the in house patient reportedly contracted the virus while undergoing treatment at RIMS.

Report said that the 48 years old deceased who died of COVID-19 early today morning at around 2.40 am had been undergoing treatment at the Nephrology department ward since June 8 after detecting Chronic Kidney and lung infections along with others. He hailed from Leimakhong . After an attendant of RIMS was found positive with the COVID-19, mass testing has been conducted in almost all departments that the infected attendant had contracted. On July 26 the patient was tested COVID-19 positive and since then he has been undergoing treatment at COVID-Care Center RIMS.

The other COVID-19 positive patient died at around 10.30 am today. He is around 47 years old and hailed from Langol area. After having complaint of respiratory problem the person was brought at RIMS Emergency ward yesterday evening. Report said that, the doctors at RIMS advised him to test COVID-19 and following the advice he reportedly tested at Babina Diagnostic center and return home. After his problem deteriorated he was reportedly rushed to RIMS emergency ward today morning where he succumbed. RIMS authority when checked found him COVID-19 positive, the report added.  

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