1st Federal Assembly of NEFIP re-affirm to oppose CAB

IT News

Imphal, Sept 6

The first Federal Assembly of North East Forum for Indigenous People (NEFIP) which was constituted at the Conference Hall of Hotel Shangchia, Zerkawt, Aizawl, Mizoram with the Federal Assembly Member from all the NE States of India reaffirmed to oppose CAB and any legislation related with CAB and influx of illegal immigrants. 

The Federal Assembly began from 4 September, 2019 and continued till 6 September 2019 constituting the Federal Assembly and it first Central Executive Council and office bearer. The resolution taken by the first federal Assembly known as Aizawl Declaration supports the demand for implementation of ILP and all alike legislations by the NE States and further Appeal for implementation of NRC alike legislations by the respective State Assembly of NE States.

NEFIP further reaffirm the resolutions taken at Shillong Meeting held on 30m April, 2019 to plea and ensure UNDRIP and other indigenous people’s tights related International declarations and conventions and added that they will initiate to ensure UNDRIP be implemented in latter and spirit to all the NE States.  NEFIP a conglomeration of CSOs of the Seven States of NE was formed on the 3″ April, 2019 with the urgent call to oppose the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) 2016 passed by the Lok Sabha of the Indian Parliament in December last year.

Ten delegates from Manipur participate in the first federal assembly of NEFIP.


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