15 leaders of NNC and other Naga Rebel factions joined ZUF

IT News
Imphal, Feb 2:

Fifteen active leaders belonging to the NNC (Parent Body) Zeliangrong Region (AMN) and other Naga rebel factions have reportedly joined to the of Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF). The NNC (Parent Body) is an active member of NNPGs.
A statement by John Pame Secretary, Information & Publicity of the ZUF said that the fifteen leaders who had joined the ZUF were warmly accorded with honours.
The statement by John Pame said that the Joining of leaders and cadres to the fold of Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF) with their true and honest commitment to work together for the common cause and aspiration of the Zeliangrong kindred people is taken to be incredible and positive circumstance in consonant with the signing of the peace agreement with the Govt. of India for political dialogue.
It added that the leaders with rank and files have been officially inducted with Oath Taking act of affirmation conducted on February 2, 2023 at the CHQ. ZUF. Those joined to ZUF and took oath are – 1. Erang Kuame – President of NNC PB, 2. Adibo Nchang – Secretary of NNC PB, 3. Irailung Samding – Joint Secy. of NNC PB, 4. Kebayi Meru – Major of NNC PB, 5. Nsalu Hega of NNC PB, 6. Pauhungyi Hegui of NNC PB, 7. Heibalung Hega of NNC PB, 8. Majaikung Rientta of NNC PB, 9. Ramdoa Hegui of NNC PB, 10. Widaulungbo Chawang of NNC PB, 11. Deihing Diswang of NNC PB, 12. Irangkam Nren of NNC PB, 13. Tariwangbou Pamai @ Atapbo – Leacy of NSCN IM, 14. Akie Nren of NSCN K, 15. Namdahing Samding of NSCN R.
The ZUF statement said that the right and bold patriotic decision of the leaders and cadres to march together with the banner of Zeliangrong Revolutionary Front towards striving for fulfilment of the common political aspiration. The door is opened for all civil and military youth and leaders whose integrity and credibility are stable with earnest commitment to work and serve for liberation, peace, and prosperity of the Zeliangrong kindred people, it added.

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