Words have immense power, use wisely

It is said that there is immense power in words. Every written or spoken word carries a meaning and impact. That is why mantras, shlokas, hymns etc. have so much relevance since time immemorial. Words may have different meanings in different places, and words can hurt someone’s ego, self respect or religious feelings. Whether words are spoken or written, both have great power. Had it not been so, business tycoon Anand Mahindra and famous TV actress Shweta Tiwari would not have been in the headlines at this time. First, let’s talk about Anand Mahindra, who is known to pay great attention to the habit of ‘jugaad’ of the common Indian and often mentions them in his tweets. But this case is a bit different. Actually, a few days ago, a farmer from Karnataka, along with his friends, visited a Mahindra Dealer’s showroom to book a car worth ten lakh rupees. Seeing his personality, a sales executive of the showroom reportedly mocked him saying that he probably did not have even ten rupees in his pocket and had come to book a car worth rupees ten lakhs. The matter got worse over this adverse comment and an argument followed. The police had to be called to resolve the dispute and the video of the incident went viral on social media. Some users tagged the company’s chairman in the video.
When Anand Mahindra came to know about the incident, he took immediate action, saying that upholding individual dignity is one of the core values of the Mahindra Group. ‘Any aberration from this philosophy will be addressed with great urgency.’ Later, apologising to the farmer, Mahindra Group regretted the incident and gave the farmer the car of his choice. Due to inappropriate words spoken in jest, the matter became a ruckus. Similarly, actress Shweta Tiwari has got into trouble by uttering a few words laughingly. Madhya Pradesh Police has registered a case against Shweta for insulting religion and hurting religious sentiments. Shweta inadvertently spoke a few words in a press meet in Bhopal to promote her web series and created a big problem for herself. The actress had made a comment referring to her garments and God. However, she had said this in a light-hearted manner, which became a reason for police and legal action. A video of Shweta’s remarks went viral on social media and members of a social organisation staged a protest in the city. Later someone lodged a complaint with the police against the actor.
It is not that these days the police have become super active or people have become more alert. In earlier times also a lot was spoken, but then not everyone could get to know about that and the matter used to get buried there. Now is the age of social media and everyone, big or small, carries a smartphone. You don’t know when and who would shoot a video and post it on social media. That’s why, it’s important to be careful while speaking or writing anything in haste. Whatever is said or written, a little thought should be given about what could be the aftereffects. Words should be used responsibly.

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