Toxic People

By: Harkirat Kaur

 Poison is not only found in snakes, scorpions and wild animals. Man has absorbed more venom than poisonous snakes. We often see humans stuttering. People often do not tolerate seeing one’s progress or seeing one’s progress. Then jealousy begins to spew poison. Many can’t see the laughing families, they put such a poisonous look on the family that the laughing ones take the happiness of the family.
The unit of poisonous people also includes those people who get involved in many relationships due to gossip and slander, the poison emitted by them in one’s ear destroys the mutual love and affection of the relationship. Bitter and bitter words coming out of the mouth are no less than a poison. Whenever one remembers one’s harsh words, smoke falls in the heart, it is no less than a poisonous wound. Not one half but every human being is included in the category of poisonous people.
It is a fact of life that everyone at every level dominates one or the other. If he is a victim, he goes home and dominates his wife and children, which means he also pours his poison on his family. He casts his whistle on the one on whom the force rests. Sometimes we fall prey to such behavior of people, which sometimes spoils the whole day, and sometimes the whole life. I have seen many such women whose whole life has been spent with the sting of the tongue.
The wise say that there is a solution to every problem in this world. Every poison must have some or the other break. There is also human poison. The human being who has the art of living a quiet, serene, comfortable life can come out of the category of poisonous people. This art is possessed by a person who is spiritually and mentally strong. We are lucky to have a Guru like Guru Granth Sahib Ji, whose Gurbani converts many poisons into Amrit. We always try not to let anyone fall prey to our poison and we can stay out of the category of poisonous people.

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